Can you see whales in San Diego during the summer?
Yes! There are whales in San Diego all year long. Humpback Whales can be seen all year and Blue Whales are the other most frequently sighted whale during the summer months. Summer Whale Watching is actually the time of year that we see the widest variety of species in San Diego!

What type of whales can you see in San Diego during the summer?
During the summer months, we can see Blue Whales, Humpback Whales, Minke Whales, and Fin Whales. It is possible to see a variety of other species as well, but the most frequently spotted whales during the summer are Blue Whales and Humpback Whales.
What is the best summer month for whale watching in San Diego?
It is likely that you will see a whale on a tour during any month in San Diego because there are whales here all year long. The best summer months to see Blue Whales would be June, July, or August, with the peak of the season typically being around the beginning or middle of July. We typically start seeing the first Blue Whales in May and we will see them as late as October.
What is the best way to see Blue Whales?
If you want to have the highest chances of seeing Blue Whales you will want to visit San Diego during the summer months. Typically Blue Whales stay pretty far from shore so you will have an advantage if you go on a fast boat that can get you out to the wildlife faster which will allow you more time to spend with the animals. Book a tour HERE and reserve your seat on a military decommissioned, fun, fast boat.

What other types of marine mammals can you see in San Diego during the summer?
During the summer we see tons of dolphins! We frequently get into mega-pods with hundreds or thousands of both Short-Beaked and Long-Beaked Common Dolphins. We also get to observe both in-shore and off-shore species of Bottlenose Dolphins. When we are lucky, we also find Risso Dolphins swimming offshore.
Other marine mammal species that we consistently see all year are California Sea Lions and Harbor Seals which are typically lounging around on buoys or on the Bait Barge waiting for food!
Tips for Summertime Whale Watching
- Wear sunscreen, sunglasses, and a hat to protect your skin and eyes!
- Bring binoculars
- Bring a camera to take photos
- Dress warm- even though it is sunny and warm on shore it is cold when you get off-shore
Whale species in San Diego during the summer
- Blue Whales
- Humpback Whales
- Minke Whales
- Fin Whales
Dolphin species in San Diego during the summer
- Long-beaked & Short-beaked Common Dolphins
- In-shore & Off-shore Bottlenose Dolphins
- Risso Dolphins
Other frequently sighted wildlife species in San Diego during the summer
- California Brown Pelicans
- Sea-Lions
- Harbor Seals
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